Sunday, May 1, 2011

College is Great!

I remember during high school having multiple people tell me, "College is great. Better than high school. You'll have the time of your life!" And I remember thinking, "My life is great right now, it can't get any better than this. I already have life figured out, and it can't get any better."

Oh, how wrong I was! This last year at BYU really has been the time of my life. I've loved being independent. I've loved learning more than I ever have before in classes. I've loved going to church strengthening my testimony each week. I've loved meeting wonderful new friends. I've loved having fun every day of the week. I've even loved the trials I've gone though--I know I'm a better person because of them. I've loved college!

Here's just a few of my favorite pictures from the last year:
Everyone needs a crazy college dress-up picture. This was one of the first nights I met these girls. What better way to bond than though hairspray, feathers, lipstick, and a camera?
BYU football and basketball games, of course.
Amazing Arcade Fire concert with some of my very favorite people: Kevin, Debra, Scott, and Dallin.
I'll never forget this crazy, hilarious trio. These three will make great missionaries, I'm sure.
I could never have gotten through my first year without this amazing girl as my best friend. I'm so glad we're now roommates.
Family picture on the last day with my favorite people. I love each of them!