Monday, November 25, 2013

my thanksgiving break goals


sleep. a lot.
eat my body weight in mom's homemade mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, rolls, and pie.
catch up on new girl, modern family, and parks and rec.
play my piano.
sleep in.
listen to lots of christmas music.
spend lots of time with the nieces and nephews.
raid my parent's pantry.
play ticket to ride (at least 10 times).
beat spencer & rachel at ticket to ride.
get my family to play whacky 6 for the first time.
watch catching fire.
take a nap. or two. or three.
have good convos with the sibs and parents.
eat pie for breakfast.
finish making my book with pictures from europe.
sleep some more.
eat some more.

and NOT do homework. #suckitprofessors 

clearly, i'm a very ambitious person.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What I love.

(I don't post this to insult any of my friends, I just found it funny.)

Although I'm not one to post something I'm grateful for on Facebook every day in the month of November, today I had several random thoughts about things I love in my life:

Sunny November days
Gas station hot chocolate 
Laughing at Spencer and Chloe's ridiculous relationship (see here
Late night trips to Sonic (fat.)
Clean laundry
Writing intriguing news stories (stay tuned for a good one this week) 
Listening to Clair De Lune
New Girl
The recent discovery of We Bought a Zoo
Fruit loops (again, fat) 
The discovery of this song.
And lastly...

I'm thankful that I randomly ran into my good friend Patti Sadler today. She goes into the MTC TOMORROW and just happened to be on campus for a little bit. I was walking to the newsroom when she and I crossed paths at the perfect moment. I don't doubt that there was divine intervention in our running into each other. I had just been thinking that I was sad I never got to say goodbye, and then there she was. It was perfect. 

So thank you, Heavenly Father, for the simple delights that you put in my life daily.
I promise that they do not go un-pondered by this girl.