Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's Not My Fault I'm Happy.

(Thanks to Passion Pit for the inspiring lyrics.)

Working for the Church has been an entirely new experience for me:

-- the environment is the friendliest and happiest place I've ever worked in.
-- the people are united in a cause.
-- the Spirit abounds and revelation isn't rare.
-- and the cafeteria isn't too bad either.

But I think what I've appreciated the very most about working there is the impact it's had on my personal spirituality. I think that everyone goes through ups and downs--times when they're more spiritual than others. It's always been hard for me to be consistent with my personal spirituality.

Until now.

The week before I started my job, my wonderful bishop gave me a blessing where he promised that if I sought for a daily mighty change of heart, I would be blessed to have the Spirit to help me in all aspects of my life. My inspired bishop collected scriptures that teach about how to receive a daily mighty change of heart, and then challenged our ward to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days.

So, for the few weeks, I've spent my hour-long morning commute on the Frontrunner train reading, studying, and praying. That has invited the Spirit into my life consistently--which makes all the difference in my work day. This consistency requires daily effort. But it's so worth it.

I've learned that the way I package the articles and videos for this site really does matter. The order articles show up on the site matters. The songs we select for this site matter. The commas I use matter. All of that matters because it contributes to the Lord's work. It matters because it's helping bring souls to Christ. I don't know which struggling young man, young woman, or even adult will benefit from the things we put on this site. But I know that I need to be worthy of the Holy Ghost so that I can be an instrument in bringing our readers to Christ.

Part of my job requires me to listen to EFY music. This song touched me when I was a teenager, but it hit me like a ton of rocks when I listened to it this week:

"Do you understand who you are?
Part of the Father lives in you.
And if you continue on this path,
Every promise God has given will come true."

Growing spiritually, making covenants, living the gospel, lifting others--it's all just part of our earthly journey that points back to Christ.

How thankful I am to be where I'm at and growing every day. I am a very lucky girl.

This always has been (and I think always will be) one of my favorite pictures.